Specialist teaching, Phonics, Dance, Forest School, Languages
Located close to The Downs Preparatory School (DPS), at Bertie's we are able to provide opportunities to learn and develop above and beyond most nurseries. Specialist teachers and coaches visit the nursery and we sometimes use some of the specialist facilities at DPS; Dance Studio, Sports Hall and Theatre.
Our specialist music and movement teachers have the children singing, dancing, playing and laughing with pure joy in their sessions.
Our highly experienced Forest School Leader ignites passion for the outdoors; searching for colours in nature, looking for hidden creatures, identifying trees and leaves, cooking outdoors with safety in mind.
The Pre-School children sometimes have physical challenges in the Sports Hall with the Director of Sport, a PE Teacher who also teaches the Reception class at DPS.
One of the teachers from the Languages Department sometimes entertains through Spanish and French songs and games.
.. and if that is not enough then there are visits from vets, firemen, nurses, policemen, the farmer across the road and of course the eponymous Bertie.
It’s hard and busy work being a young child!
Fresh air
At Bertie’s we believe fresh air and nature are crucial to the physical social and emotional development of the children. Indeed, we feel strongly that technology and screens will never replace the huge benefits of the great outdoors. Our children are outside as often as possible, in truth it is their preference not least because we are fortunate to have the most glorious rural setting – and of course Telly Tubby Land. They wallow in the mud kitchen, delight in the water play area and excite at building little dens or planting their gardens. A visit to the onsite Forest School is always hugely popular, a trip to Pets Corner at the school is exciting and a walk across the drive to see and learn about the farm animals is an unforgettable adventure. Perhaps even more unforgettable is the regular sight of the elephants, lions and rhinos across the field at Noah’s Ark!
Catering at Bertie’s Nursery School
At Bertie’s we are fortunate of the support of Palmer and Howells, the catering company employed by the school. A company that specialises in small school settings, we have together developed a close working relationship over the last three years that has resulted in exceptional standards.
Our super cook is Jo. In creating the menus she has the support of a nutritionist and of the Head Chef at school. All the food is freshly prepared at Bertie’s and we know of the provenance of all ingredients. The menus are healthy and nutritious. The food is appealing and tasty. We encourage children to eat vegetables and fruit and we are mindful of the dangers of sugar and additives. We are experienced and provide carefully for those children with allergies.
For parents needing to get to work early there is breakfast available for the children. Lunchtime is taken in each of the rooms and for a small fee tea is eaten together. Needless to state there are several breaks each day, water and fruit, or perhaps a piece of homemade cake, being the name of the game. Should any child be hungry however, Jo is very generous!
Pastoral care
Pastoral care is at the centre of the everyday at Bertie's. From the moment a child arrives to the time they leave, each child is listened to, responded to and valued as a member of our nursery. The team at Bertie's understand the importance of developing self-awareness, self-confidence and an inner strength; essential to support each child in their learning journey. These early years are the crucial formative years, essential first steps into an exciting world of exploration, excitement, challenges, developing independence and confidence to try again if the first time was not so successful. The nursery team of practitioners are well trained to support your child but more than that, they care about your child and strive to support those first steps and then challenge them further to experience even more in their learning until they are running, leaping and laughing with childhood joy.